GIANT SLIDEWAY ZF 100 – Available sizes: 5L, 20L
GIANT SLIDEWAY ZF series are premium oils formulated from a combination of high quality mineral base-stocks and a Zinc-free/ashless balanced additive system that are specially designed to meet the lubrication, accuracy and finishing requirements for processes utilizing high quality machine tools. GIANT SLIDEWAY ZF series possess excellent stick-slip low friction characteristics, adhesiveness and lubricity to eliminate chatter under thin film boundary lubrication conditions to allow smooth operation even at low speeds. In addition, GIANT SLIDEWAY ZF series provide outstanding rust and corrosion protection even in the presence of aqueous coolants. They are also low foaming oils and will readily separate water. The oils are also designed to provide superior filterability performance and at the same time protect slides and ways. They will provide protection even when the machines are not in operation.
GIANT SLIDEWAY ZF series exhibit excellent load carrying and anti-wear properties that will protect machine parts against wear and tear. Their oxidation and thermal stability characteristics also ensure machine cleanliness and reduce maintenance periods. These unique properties make GIANT SLIDEWAY ZF series suitable for a variety of hydraulic and gear oil applications.
- Cincinnati Milacron P47, P50, P53
- Meets Denison, Brugger, AFNOR & DIN 51524 Hydraulic oil specifications
- Meets US Steel, French Steel, David Brown, AGMA and DIN 51517 specifications BENEFITS
- Optimized low friction characteristics to allow smooth operation
- Excellent lubricity and wear protection
- Special adhesive properties so oil will remain on critical surfaces
- Superior rust and corrosion protection
- Resistant to foaming
- Excellent filterability
- Very good water separation to optimize aqueous coolant compatibility
- Multi-metal compatibility
- Zinc-free and ashless